Torgit: We woke up very early this morning, at 5.30 am. It was a bad night, we both slept badly and woke up a lot. Marc is snoring again. Just like in the good old days. I find that terrifying. I'm restless, I just can't find peace, not even in meditation. I haven't arrived yet. I feel like I'm in a vacuum.

Our Rocket coffee machine doesn't look like something I would want to use. Especially when I have to deduce the inside from the outside. But anyway, I quickly get our Bialetti out of the van and make coffee 'as usual'. It works great and tastes good. And all is right with the world again.

Our lodger Steffen is moving out today and Ben is getting his last things. The boys have held down the fort here for 7 months and we've grown a little fond of them. Due to the corona situation, we don't want to be here when Steffen's removal men arrive. Who wants to get infected or infect others? We don't know whether we were infected on the ferry and don't want to spread it any further. 'Flatten the curve' is the order of the day.

Before our tour, we 'lent out' our Waterrower. As it is being used less than expected, we are picking it up again today. I've always enjoyed rowing and who knows how the shutdown situation will develop. We ask our friends to leave the Waterrower in front of the door. Now it's back at our place. Let's see if we manage to use it more.

By the way: If you would like to have our Waterrower, please contact me. Like everything else in our apartment, it is also for sale.

Afterwards, we stop by Marc's brother's place in Düren. He has a metal construction business and we discuss details for Spector. In particular, we discuss additional water tanks and a modification to the VW bike rack. Marc will report on this later.

We're back in Cologne sooner than we thought, the train is free thanks to Corona, Steffen hasn't quite finished moving out yet. We stop in the forest and go for a walk. Fitting, because today is the beginning of spring. It's good for us and the weather is great, bright blue skies and plenty of sunshine. There are lots of people out and about enjoying the sun just like us. Either a few joggers and cyclists or couples out for a walk. Corona has arrived here.

Back at home, I descale and clean our Rocket portafilter coffee machine. It looks like it hasn't been used for a long time. It really needed it. As well as our boys have looked after our apartment - boys indeed.

When the doorbell rings, I'm a little surprised. Who might it be? Despite corona. The son of a good friend is standing in the doorway. I'm happy to see him, but I'm irritated and don't know exactly how to deal with the C crisis at first. While we were away, he picked up Marc's MacBook, which wasn't ready for repair in time. As they say in Cologne: 'Et hätt noch emmer joot jejange'. We sit down, keeping our distance of course, and have a Corona first. Thanks guys for leaving us a few beers in the fridge.

In the evening, we fall into bed dead tired. We are no longer used to this exhausting life with this fast pace. I think of Benirra's drums and feel sad.

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