Wildcamper on the Rhine, near Cologne. including a Mercedes Kurzhauber, VW T5
Warning sign with signal lamp: Stop! Helicopter lands at Siegburg Fire Department
white Mercedes Benz, Kurzhauber, former police radio car

"I'm here again - In my stomping ground - Never really been away".


You have surely noticed that it has become a little quiet around us in the last few days. This has several reasons: On the one hand, contrary to all planning, we came back to Cologne faster than originally thought. I had already announced that one of "my" employees had passed away.

Death is and remains unpredictable. I personally find cases in which a young person dies particularly tragic. This was the case here. In such cases it is especially difficult to accept death as a "part of life". It just seems senseless.

For us, it was definitely an occasion to meet up with some former colleagues, in Cologne, to drink a few Kölsch to the deceased. So here we are again, on our turf. We never really left, we just hid. 

Furthermore, we spent a lot of time transferring our blog, from JIMDO to WordPress. Had I known what we were getting into, I'm not sure we would have taken that step. But now we are taking it further. Because it It gives us great pleasure to see who we reach with our message. One example: We are standing in Globetrotter and are approached by one of the salespeople. He had written to us on Instagram beforehand because he had seen our van on the road. So we happen to see each other live and in color. Frank, in turn, makes pretty cool landscape shots. Here we can certainly still learn something. 

planBwagen as a guest at the Siegburg fire department
Siegburg - The abbey on the Michaelsberg mountain

But when you're already in Cologne, you naturally meet up with friends. Or you visit the local fire department. In this case, we were invited by one of the firefighters. The background of the story is simple. It is about Roger, an old buddy of Torgit. Roger drives a Mercedes G from the 80's, which he is converting into a camper. For us, the aging Mercedes G is really old school. Back then we would have said "really cool".

Today we would call it hip, which is why it is allowed to wear the H license plate. His daughter thinks dad's "car" is pretty cool. Together we found that it is a campers' meeting at eye level. There is always something to discover. And if you know a real firefighter, where do you meet? Of course, at the fire station. The colleagues were also enthusiastic. So we spontaneously decided to take a few pictures of the bolides. Quickly we were joined by another Daimler. The fire department Unimog. So in the end, our SpaceCamper stood among the stars. ✨ 

Torgit, Marc and Michael. Selfi at the coffee
planBwagen, SpaceCamper on the helicopter landing pad of the fire department in Siegburg
Fire department in Siegburg. Vintage Mercedes G next to Spacecamper in front of the fire station.
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