"... and the rest of your life lies ahead of you..."

When I wake up in the morning, it is much later than I expected. - The time change from Portugal to Spain has not yet arrived here. The first thing that comes to mind today are the first lines of the above-mentioned lyrics from the Doctors. Somehow it haunts me throughout the day. - When I look out of the window, I know why - yes, the sky is blue and the sun is shining. The perfect day for strolling around, exploring the city or...

But it's the end of the month and that means preparing the month-end closing and a little bookkeeping, bank transfer and ...

Working in the sun and fresh air is even more fun than usual. It's also much more relaxed.

In between, a look at the marina - there's always something to see.

A bit of cooking, eating, washing up, just the usual.

Afterwards, a chat with our new neighbors - whereas yesterday there wasn't a single German standing here, now there's a German in front of and behind us. A yoghurt pot in front, a van belonging to a young couple behind us. Although the "Black Selection" is certainly much more luxurious than our Hector, we wouldn't want to swap.

All in all, a relaxed day. - The praying mantis hanging in the bush next to us seems to think so too.

Experiencing the rare mantis live is a rare occurrence. I have only ever seen it once in Africa.

Due to their size, I also assume that they belong to the African genus. But an entomologist will certainly be able to assess this better. So here and now it's time to hang out, at least for the grasshopper.

"Maybe it would be smart to look around one last time"

As I prepare for the end of the month, I also take stock of my year. My song lyrics for today seem to fit: 


"You don't know exactly why

But somehow

Your curiosity

The sky is blue

And the rest of your life will be beautiful

You have a good feeling

You think of all the good times

It's almost too much

Right now

Standing next to you

You don't have a clear goal

But millions of possibilities

A good feeling

And you know it will be good

Going out for you

The sky is blue

The sky is blue

The world is yours

What are you going to do with her

Tell me

Can you feel the time slipping away?

Now you are standing here

And you don't stop laughing

The world is yours

And the rest of your life begins

The sky is blue

So blue

So blue

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